Opioid use in Manitowoc County has been on the rise over the past few years. In 2021, there were 13 opioid related deaths, 41 opioid related emergency room visits, and 16 opioid related in patient visits. Healthiest Manitowoc County is working on reducing substance use related deaths through a variety of methods including, primary prevention and harm reduction. One of our harm reduction efforts is educating and training community members on the use of naloxone.
What is Naloxone/NARCAN?
Naloxone is a lifesaving drug that reverses the effect of an overdose in an individual including heroin, fentanyl, and prescription opioid medications if given in time. NARCAN only works if the overdose involves opioids, but doesn’t cause any harm if used on an individual who does not have opioids in their system. It can easily be administered through a nasal spray that is small and fits in most purses, bags, and drawers.
When to use Nalaxone
By carrying Naloxone, you could save a life. Because Naloxone doesn’t have any negative effects when used on someone without opioids in their system, Naloxone should be used whenever there is a suspected overdose. It is possible that multiple doses of Naloxone will be needed to reverse effects of the drugs in their system.
How to use NARCAN
Free NARCAN Training in Manitowoc County
Two agencies in Manitowoc County provide free educational trainings on NARCAN. After the training, individuals go home with 2 free doses of NARCAN.
Manitowoc Health Department
Lighthouse Recovery Community Center