What is Hidden in Plain Sight?
Our Hidden in Plain Sight Backpacks are a tool used to train staff and parents on youth substance use trends in Manitowoc County; in the backpack are examples of products that can easily be missed by an untrained eye to hide substances inside of. Through this training, you will learn what products look like, signs of substance use, and how to start a conversation with your youth.

Why is Hidden in Plain Sight Important?
Most youth in Manitowoc have reported that by the age of 13 having used alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, or some type of prescription opioid. Now more than ever it is important to stay educated on the ever-changing substances that are marketed to our youth every day. Not only is it important to know what the products look like but how to talk to youth about expectations and the dangers of substance use.

How can I sign up for a training?
Our HIPS Backpacks are at 8 Manitowoc County schools and are often facilitated by one of the school’s resource officers! If you reach out to your school’s resource officer, they should be able to tell you whether or not they have a backpack and when there next training will be! If you are not affiliated with a school or your school doesn’t have one but would like your agency/school to host a training session, please reach out and one of our staff will be more than happy to set up a time and place! Trainings are free and materials/resources presented during trainings are available to download.

Why Backpacks?
In the past, HMC has used a large bedroom display that often-left parents and educators overwhelmed. After months of hard work, we introduce to the community a smaller, portable, and more relevant educational tool. Along with the backpack we have also updated our training to include 3 training videos to help not only educate on substance but how to safely talk about drugs and alcohol with your youth.

Let us know how we are doing or what we can improve on!